Ohio's Learning Standards
Learning standards explain the knowledge and skills Ohio students in pre-kindergarten through grade 12 need to have. Ohio’s Learning Standards emphasize skills like critical thinking and problem solving — qualities most sought by today’s employers. By teaching our students to apply these skills to what they are learning in school, we can make sure they are on track to graduate from high school and enjoy success in college, careers and life.
Ohio measures the performance of its schools based on how well students are progressing in gaining the knowledge and skills within the learning standards. We do this partly by measuring student performance on annual state tests based on the standards.
Ohio Learning Standards
Throughout the school year, all Ohio public school children participate in state and district assessments to determine if they are meeting academic benchmarks.
State Readiness and Diagnostic Testing
Kindergarten: Students in kindergarten are given a diagnostic assessment in the area of reading and mathematics. The classroom teacher or team of educators administer this diagnostic assessment. Results are used at the classroom and district level for planning an instructional program to support all learners. As required by the state, students also participate in the KRA (Kindergarten Readiness Assessment) between the first days of school- November 1st. Results are also reported to Ohio Department of Education.
Grades 1-3: Students in grades 1, 2 and 3 are given a diagnostic assessment in the area of reading and mathematics. The classroom teacher or team of educators administer this diagnostic assessment. The primary purpose of the diagnostic assessments is to provide a tool for teachers, parents and students in checking the progress of the students toward meeting the standards. Results are used at the classroom and district level for planning an instructional program to support all learners. Results are also reported to Ohio Department of Education.
State Mandated Tests
ODE has a series of new state tests in 3rd-8th grade as well as the high school End of Course Exams for seven courses. All tests are given online.
Learn more about state testing.
Grade 3: The ELA (English Language Arts), required by the state and a part of the third grade reading guarantee, is administered in an online version in the 3rd grade is given in both October and April. The assessment is divided into two parts. It is scored as advanced accelerated, proficient, basic and limited. Additionally, in April, students are given the mathematics test. Results are used at the classroom and district level for planning an instructional program to support all learners. Results are also reported to Ohio Department of Education.
Grade 4: These assessments, required by the state, are administered each year in two parts and are given in April. The two tested areas are English Language Arts and Mathematics. It is scored as advanced accelerated, proficient, basic and limited.
Grade 5: These assessments, required by the state, are administered each year in two parts and are given in April. Three areas are tested: English Language Arts, Mathematics and Science. It is scored as advanced accelerated, proficient, basic and limited.
Grade 6: These assessments, required by the state, are administered each year in two parts and are given in April. The two tested areas are English Language Arts and Mathematics. It is scored as advanced accelerated, proficient, basic and limited.
Grade 7: These assessments, required by the state, are administered each year in two parts and are given in April. The two tested areas are English Language Arts and Mathematics. It is scored as advanced accelerated, proficient, basic and limited.
Grade 8: These assessments, required by the state, are administered each year in two parts and are given in April. Three areas are tested: English Language Arts, Mathematics (8th grade math or Algebra I for high school credit End-of-Course Exam) and Science.
End of Course Exams: These assessments, required by the state, are administered each year toward the end of the course. There are six areas tested; English Language Arts II, mathematics (Algebra I and Geometry), social studies (American Gov't and American History) and science (Biology). scored as advanced accelerated, proficient, basic, and limited.
Grade 2: In 2nd grade year students are given the Terra Nova Assessment which measures achievement abilities that relate to a student’s ability to learn and succeed in school. Parents are sent a letter informing them of the test results and an explanation of those results. The State of Ohio and Norwood City Schools also use these results for “gifted” identification. Additionally, students are given the MAP (Measures of Academic Progress) test.
Grades 2 and 5 take part in the InView portion of the Terra Nova Assessment which measures cognitive abilities that relate to a student’s ability to learn and succeed in school. This assessment includes verbal reasoning, sequences, analogies and quantitative reasoning. Parents are sent a letter informing them of the test results and an explanation of those results. The State of Ohio and Norwood City Schools also use results for “gifted” identification. Tests are:
Grades 2-8 MAP (Measures of Academic Progress) Testing. MAP is an assessment used in grades 2-8 in the area of reading and math. Results are used for instructional purposes, goal setting and for gifted identification.
OELPA- Ohio English Language Proficiency Assessment for students participating in our English Learner program and those students who are learning English as their second language. It is given beginning in February.
English as a Second Language
The Ohio English Language Proficiency (ELP) is a resource for teachers and other school staff who work with limited English proficient (LEP) students in kindergarten through grade 12. The standards define progressive levels of competence in the acquisition of English, and help teachers move LEP students toward proficiency both in the English language and in Ohio's academic content standards.
Norwood City School District believes in the appropriate education of all its students. Several policies for the advancement of students exist and are followed by the staff at Norwood. These policies include gifted identification, acceleration, early entrance to school, as well as early graduation.
While gifted services are not mandated in Ohio, the Norwood City School District believes in providing quality education for all students. Through a menu of opportunities, advanced students may qualify and participate in services designed to meet their unique learning needs. This handbook provides an overview of Norwood's menu of services and criteria for acceptance. Elementary age students may receive enrichment within the regular classroom and/or through small group seminars in reading, writing and math. ATP services are available for students in grades 3-8. Additional secondary opportunities include AP and honors courses, dual credit and College Credit Plus.
Federal Title I Notification – Parents Right to Know
Upon the parent’s request, the district will provide the following information to parents: whether the teacher(s) have met the State qualification and licensing criteria for the grade levels and subject areas they are teaching; whether the teacher(s) is teaching under any emergency or provisional status in which the State requirements have been waived; the undergraduate major of the teacher(s) and the area of study and any certificates for any graduate degrees earned; and the qualifications of any paraprofessionals providing services to their child(ren). To obtain this information, please contact the district’s personnel office at 924-2500.
Kristina Chesson
Director of Curriculum